Homemade Stock made with Vegetable Scraps


This simple homemade vegetable stock is very sustainable and its rich flavor really makes it worth the little effort. The vegetable parts we toss are packed with flavor so why not give them a job before composting? It is SO much better than any store-bought stock. This is made with saved vegetable odds and ends that I store in a container in the freezer until I have enough (about 8 cups vegetable parts) to make a batch. I then compost the vegetables after making the stock.

Scraps that I often use are carrot tops and peels, garlic skins, onion ends and skin, fresh herb stems. tomato ends, zucchini ends, celery ends, fennel tops etc. Most anything goes except these few to AVOID (because they make the stock bitter) …cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

This stock freezes well, so make a big batch and pull it out when needed for a recipe!

Vegetable Stock

8 cups vegetable scraps (about I gallon bag of frozen odds and ends)

15 cups filtered water

Fresh herbs of your choice

1- 2 teaspoons salt

Pepper corns and/or coriander seeds

Bay leaf

Wash the vegetables well and coarsely chop them. Put everything in a large pot and bring to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer partially covered for about 1 hour. Strain the stock and then pour into mason jars. Either freeze the jars or refrigerate and use within three days. Compost the vegetable scraps.


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