Ginger, Turmeric, and Citrus Wellness Shot

Easy to make, this shot boasts amazing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well as vitamin C to boost the immune system. After a fair amount of travel and a bout of COVID, I thought my immune system could use some help.

Simply throw everything in the blender and strain with a fine mesh sieve. If you have a juicer, that would work well too. Note that there is no need to peel the ginger and turmeric since you will be straining it at the end. Warning… turmeric can stain most anything it touches. I always immediately wash out my blender to keep it from turning yellow. If you prefer a sweeter version, simply add more orange juice. See recipe below…

Ginger, Turmeric and Citrus Wellness Shot

Juice from one orange

Juice from ½ a lemon

1 tablespoon ginger. chopped (no need to peel)

1 tablespoon turmeric, chopped (no need to peel)

In a blender, add the ginger and turmeric and pulse. Add the orange and lemon juices and blend on high speed for 30 seconds. Scrape the sides with a rubber spatula and then blend some more. Strain the mixture into a bowl and then pour into a glass. Bottoms up!


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